Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Dear Caledonians and Steampunk and Victorian friends.

The first issue of The Caledon Strand is already in SL. You can find givers of the magazine in Caledon libraries, around the HUDS or in the vendor in The Strand Headquarter in Caledon Cay, near the HUD to the right.

But for all of you that would prefer a version to read in your computer, there's a PDF version. Is our first issue, so we had some mistakes and sadly the PDF doesn't have the best resolution, even if it can be readed easily than the in-world copy. We will make it better next time!!

We hope you like this magazine, there are 80 pages of our neigbours' art for you to enjoy.

The Caledon Strand Magazine #1

And remember, if you want to be part of our staff, just contact us though this blog e-mail or go to SL and send an IM or note to Alexx McLaglen. Issue 2 will be launched to the end of july, just for you to have good reading stuff for summer! So we're looking for submissions for it. JOIN US!!

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